About the Mummy Foundation

Who we are:
Our vision
Mummy foundation is deeply committed to the well-being and rights of children, teenage mothers and women. We aspire to create an environment where they can thrive free from fear, discrimination, and violence. In our vision, children grow up in nurturing environments where their rights are protected, and their voices are heard. We envision communities where teenage mothers receive the support and resources they need to overcome challenges and build bright futures for themselves and their children. Additionally, we strive for a society where women of all ages are respected, empowered, and able to pursue their aspirations without limitations. Our commitment to creating a safe world for children, teenage mothers, and women is reflected in our holistic approach to empowerment. We work tirelessly to address the root causes of violence, poverty, and inequality, while also providing practical support and opportunities for growth. Through advocacy, education, and community engagement, we seek to challenge harmful norms and promote gender equality, ensuring that every individual has the chance to reach their full potential. Together, with our partners and allies, we are dedicated to building a future where all children, teenage mothers, and women can live with dignity, security, and hope.

Our mission
We recognize the unique challenges and vulnerabilities faced by women and children in the communities we serve, and we are dedicated to providing them with the necessary resources, support, and opportunities to overcome these obstacles. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to empower women and children by investing in their education, skills training, healthcare, and economic opportunities. By building their capacity and confidence, we not only help them break free from the cycle of poverty but also empower them to take control of their own lives and contribute meaningfully to their communities. Our approach is rooted in a deep belief in the inherent value and potential of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances. We strive to create a future where every woman and child has the opportunity to thrive and make a positive impact on the world around them. Together, with our partners and supporters, we are working towards a world where women and children are no longer held back by limitations but are empowered to reach their full potential and shape their own destinies.

Our History
Mummy Foundation traces its roots to the shared vision of three individuals, Segawa Bosco, Ssabaganzi Kevin, and Lucy Khan, who witnessed the hardships endured by their community in Katwe, one of Kampala's largest slums. Bosco's upbringing in Katwe, marked by orphanhood and street life, acquainted him with the struggles faced by many children in the area. Kevin's return from studying abroad brought him face to face with the harsh reality of young girls being exploited in bars. Lucy, having married Bosco, developed a deep love for Katwe and shared the desire to instigate change. In 2010, fueled by their collective determination, they founded the Mummy Foundation, initially operating out of a small room with the goal of providing a safe haven and educational opportunities, particularly for young girls. Despite limited resources, they tapped into the generosity of sponsors and volunteers to offer basic education and music therapy as a means of coping with trauma. However, challenges persisted, including limited space and regulatory issues leading to closure in 2013. Fortunately, the foundation received a lifeline through the intervention of Jim Trott, securing funding for expansion. In 2014, they began constructing a nursery section to address the prevalence of teenage motherhood and child labor in the community. Over time, Mummy Foundation has evolved into a comprehensive learning facility, supported by partnerships with organizations like Brass for Africa, Kristeen Arnold, A girl called Happy. They offer subsidized education, livelihood program, gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights services aiming to break the cycle of poverty and exploitation in Katwe. Despite progress, resource constraints persist, underscoring the ongoing need for support and donations to sustain their efforts in transforming the lives of Katwe's residents. From its humble beginnings in a single room, Mummy Foundation has grown into a beacon of hope, providing not only education but also essential services like healthcare and computing skills training, embodying their enduring commitment to empowerment and community upliftment.

Meet the team:
Yunusu Lucy Khan Namale, Founder, Executive Director
Ssabaganzi Kevin, Founder, Project Manager
Segawa Bosco, Founder and Board Member

Kabongoya Best, Head Education Department
Nakato Catherine
Nalugya Phiona
Namulawa Catherine Safe-guarding Officer, Teacher

Nassozi Moureen
Oketch Emmanual
Serwadda David, Asst Music Teacher
Tukamushaba Betesi, Care Giver, Teacher
Nakanwagi Latiffah, Head Librarian
Musabe Henry, Volunteer
Senyonga Imran, Store Manager and Head Cook
Nalukwago Fatia, Finance Assistant
Nasuuna Florenca, Care Taker
Moureen, Housekeeping Asst
Nakabitto Maria, Head Of Music Development and Life skills
Namugenyi Elizia, Monitoring and Evaluation
Nuwagaba Brian, Marketing and Partnerships
Ssabakaki Dorah, Monitoring and Evaluation
Wagabi Denis, Head of Security